Many stroke patients find themselves wondering, how long does paralysis last after stroke?
Recovery time varies from patient to patient since every stroke is different.
Specifically, your stroke paralysis recovery time will depend upon two factors:
The severity of stroke side effects.
The intensity of your stroke rehabilitation program.
How Long Does Paralysis Last After Stroke?

So, how long does it take to recover from stroke? Specifically when paralysis is involved?
Some stroke survivors recover within 6 months of intense rehabilitation
Others take longer – sometimes more than a year – after massive exercise.
The harsh reality is that it can be physically and emotionally exhausting to pursue rehabilitation for this long.
However, trust that the results will come!
Never give up. When there is a will, there is a way.
How to Speed Up Stroke Paralysis Recovery
Hopefully you’re convinced that there’s tons of hope for your recovery from stroke paralysis by now.
This means that you’re ready for some practical tips to get your healing from paralysis efficiently underway.
So, here are 3 ways to boost recovery from stroke paralysis.
1. Passive exercise helps recover stroke paralysis

When you cannot move your affected muscles, passive exercise will be your #1 tool for recovery.
Passive exercise simply means that you use your non-affected side to move your affected side, or you get help from a caregiver or therapist.
Although you aren’t moving your affected muscles “yourself,” it still sends stimulation to your brain and helps activate neuroplasticity.
Through enough passive exercise, you can begin to relink your brain to your muscles, which is the key to recovering from stroke.
But… how much is enough?
2. High repetition boosts the brain’s rewiring process

In order to see results from passive exercise, you need to perform a high number of repetitions in order to see the best results.
Repetition helps activate neuroplasticity , the mechanism that your brain uses to rewire itself and heal after stroke.
The more neuroplasticity you activate, the more fuel your brain has to recover.
Simply put, more reps = more success. So make sure that you’re getting plenty of repetition in with your passive rehab exercise.
3. Mental practice rewires the brain without physical effort

Did you know that mentally practicing (visualizing) your rehab exercises can help activate neuroplasticity?
This is called mental prctice, and studies have showed that combining mental practice with physical practice can help you see even better results during stroke recovery.
So try to take some time each day – even if it’s just 2 minutes – to close your eyes and visualize yourself moving the way you want to move.
It will help rewire your brain and spark recovery from paralysis even faster.
Recovery from Stroke Paralysis
Overall, paralysis recovery time is dependent upon your unique stroke side effects and how much work you put into recovery.
Be sure to complete plenty of repetitions of your passive exercises, and take the time to mentally rehearse those movements too.
Do all these things, and you’ll be on the fast track to recover from paralysis after stroke.
Thanks to all stroke survivors and Hum saath hai team.