Active , healthy and just 45 Vipin Gupta a owner of a small Tea stall , a Resident of Berkheda , Bhopal didn’t know that he had uncontrolled Diabetes – A leading Risk factor for Stroke.
Everything was alright before 6 april 2018, in the morning he had a bath with High pressure Bore water from head to toe.
Just after 10 min of bath he fell down and his left side stopped working. He rushed to the hospital and was diagnosed with stroke. That was the first time when he came to know that he has type- 2 Diabetes.
He took medicine for two or three days and went to Nariyal Kheda for ayurvedic treatment for 15 days. But no relief. And he got worsen than before.
He rushed to neurophysician and got MRI done on 20.5.18 was diagnosed with recurrent stroke due to stoppage of medicines.
After that he started medicines but again he had a strong belief on massage.
He took massage daily continuously for 6 months then somehow he started walking with abnormal gait pattern and deformities at hip with assistance of stick.
Recently he read about our free helpline number for paralysis in local Newspaper.
He presents with wrist drop and tightness in the left arm with pelvic tilt and circumductory gait and without any medication except for diabetes.
We have counseled his mother to stop vigorous massage and consult neurophysician again.
He has been put on strengthening exercise and gait training under our expert physio.
We hope for the best for his recovery .
Thanks to Vipin gupta and his family for sharing their story